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Monday 7 September 2015 – welcoming refugees

Monday 7 September 2015 – welcoming refugees
September 7, 2015 Anne Browse

As you may remember, at Methodist Conference in Southport I seconded a notice of motion on the issue of Migration and Sanctuary. I am sure that many of you reading this blog will be responding to the current situation through the channels which are open to you – praying, signing petitions, providing goods and money, or by more direct involvement depending on your location and circumstances.

When I was in Germany in June I witnessed the work of German Christians with refugees and asylum seekers. I stayed with the deaconesses of the order of Bethesda and saw how they work with these people in creative and caring ways. They see their churches and communities enriched by the presence of these families and individuals and welcome them enthusiastically.

I am grateful to Janice Clark for posting this link recently to the Methodist Women in Britain Facebook group, providing information about the migration crisis in Europe.

Bishop Rosemarie Wenner, of the United Methodist Church in Germany, calls the situation both a challenge and a blessing. “The right of refugees to seek asylum is one of the human rights that we – especially we in Germany – have to protect,” she wrote in an email to the United Methodist News Service. United Methodists in Germany are responding to newcomers “in a very open and caring way,” the bishop said.

Tonight’s photo is of Schwester Elisabeth and Schwester Ingrid, who taught me much about responding to the needs of others, whoever they might be.