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Tuesday 13 October 2015 – silver and green and gold

Tuesday 13 October 2015 – silver and green and gold
October 13, 2015 Anne Browse

Not John Bell this morning, but the well-remembered words of a grace we were taught to sing on Girls’ Brigade summer camp.  I expect the Girl Guides among you will know it, too.  Although I know the words by heart, I still went to the Internet and there I found it in many variations, with a third verse which I did not know and in many different languages.

As I look across the fields this morning to the railway and the motorway and the towns and villages beyond, the first verse has been my morning prayer, its melody running through my head as I get ready for the day.  For those of you who may not read this until your day is at its end I include a second verse, too, as I remember it from the days of my childhood.

God has created a new day,
Silver and green and gold.
Live that the sunset may find you
Worthy His gifts to hold.

God has created a new night,
Silent and calm and still.
Sleep, that the sunrise may find you
Ready to do His will.