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October 20th 2017 – ‘Zebra in Bolivia?’

October 20th 2017 – ‘Zebra in Bolivia?’
October 20, 2017 Sandra Goodwin

Earlier this year I travelled to Bolivia where, hosted by the Evangelical Methodist Church of Bolivia, I had the opportunity to join in their Easter celebrations. As part of the visit I was also given the opportunity to meet and share fellowship with several groups of women in the Altiplano region, a huge agricultural plain nestling within the Andes mountains.

Needless to say I have many stories to tell about the visit and yesterday evening I was given the opportunity to share some of these stories with the ladies of Dunstable Methodist Church.

We had a very enjoyable evening together but of course there are always far more stories to tell than time will allow, so I thought I’d share one more in the blog.

It’s a very little known fact that there are zebra in Bolivia! They are quite rare and live in the capital city, La Paz. They wander freely around the streets, especially during the weekends and holiday season. They occasionally speak in Spanish and wave their front hooves to any children they meet along the way.

They are also very brave and spend most of their time stopping the busy traffic to allow pedestrians to cross safely, on the whole, motorists are very compliant and stop to smile at these gentle beasts.

What a wonderfully innovative way for students to earn a few Bolivianos during their school breaks!

Every blessing, Sandra