Area Trustee Yorkshire North & East, Yorkshire West and Sheffield
Janice is Area Trustee for Yorkshire North and East, Yorkshire West & Sheffield.
As the saying goes, I am a cradle Methodist. After training as an infant teacher, and working in Lincoln for three years, I offered to work overseas and was appointed to Papua New Guinea in 1970. Whilst working in a teachers’ college I met my husband Peter, a VSO. Following marriage in Britain, we returned to PNG, where sons Saimon and Daro were born.
On return to the UK I taught in the Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, while Peter trained for the ministry. Whilst living in the Birmingham District I was part of the World Development group and on the district policy committee. The call to work overseas came again, and took us to Portugal, Mozambique, and following some time in Edinburgh, to Sierra Leone. I taught English as a Foreign Language in all of these places. I served as the Federation World Secretary 2001–2006.
Currently I live in North Yorkshire, where I was MWiB President 2017–2019, and where I continue to lead worship as a local preacher. I enjoy gardening,singing, walking, reading, and knitting.