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Lent Reflection 3

Lent Reflection 3
March 7, 2025 Bronwen

Jesus is tested in the wilderness

Encountering Jesus on the way to the Cross and Beyond

  Loving God overshadow me with your Holy Spirit.

Help my eyes, to see, my ears to hear, my mind to be

open and my soul to be receptive.

Speak to me through the scriptures and

enable me to find your truth within this reading.


READ  Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness



God has just affirmed Jesus as his son, that he is pleased with him and that he loves him. A spiritual high point for Jesus. This is when the devil strikes. The devil prowls around us waiting to test our close relationship with God. It is when we are particularly close to God that we are vulnerable to attack. He casts doubt in our minds with a subtlety that is masterful. Couched in reasonable terms the devil makes us question what God has to say. Remember in the garden of Eden, Satan asks Eve if God really said they would die if they ate the fruit. I remember one of my maths teachers would ask us a question and when we answered would cast doubt on it. Really? You think that’s correct?” How many of you have gone downstairs to check you have locked the front door when questioned by your partner. “Are you sure?” The devil asks Jesus “Are you really God’s Son?” Jesus truly trusted in God so was able to resist the devil’s temptations and thereby:-


He lived by God’s word ….. He spent time reading the scriptures and developing a close relationship with God.

He did not put God to the test… He did not say “You wouldn’t let this happen to me if you were really a loving God”

He worshipped God alone…. He did not worship the trappings of his position. He was humble before God and humanity.

He served God alone… He did not serve the whims of the crowds or the Pharisees who clamoured for signs. He continued the difficult task of God’s mission.


If we follow his example and live our lives as authentically as he did, we too can resist the temptations of the devil.





  • In what situations have you been tempted by the devil to do something inappropriate? When have you given in to temptation? How did that make you feel? In what circumstances have you resisted temptation? What enabled you to do so? How did you feel?
  • How have you been tempted not to trust God? How hard do you find it to truly trust God? What stops you trusting God if you find it difficult?
  • What temptation do you find most difficult to resist? Why? How can you strengthen your resolve?
  • In what ways have you tested God?
  • What false gods have you worshipped? How have you “served” them?