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Lent Reflection 5

Lent Reflection 5
March 11, 2025 Bronwen

Tuesday 11 March

Matthew 4:12-17

Jesus Begins to Preach


  • Jesus as fulfilment.

Matthew’s gospel, the most Jewish, is full of these fulfilment verses. He sets out to show that Jesus is indeed the fulfilment of all the Old Testament prophecies. Often, they are just a single verse. I have found it helpful to go to the verse in question and read around it to get a fuller picture. First Century Jews would have recognised the context of the verse but over the centuries we have lost the connection.

  • Galilee of the Gentiles – Upper Galilee

To help with the cost of building the Temple, Solomon sold 20 cities in Galilee to Hyrum, King of Tyre. This area was thereafter known as Galilee of the Gentiles.

When the Assyrians defeated the Israelites in the 8th century BC most of the population was deported. Gentiles then repopulated the area. Enforced religious conversion was attempted at a later date but it remained both religiously and culturally diverse. For Jews the inhabitants were living in a land of darkness, and they looked down upon them. All of Galilee was considered inferior. Jesus was brought up in Lower Galilee but chose to begin his ministry in Upper Galilee amongst the diverse population. Diversity is at the heart of Jesus’ ministry.

  • Sin and Repentance

Jesus took over from John calling the people to repentance for their sins. Jesus reinforces that no-one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless they come without true repentance. It is not just a matter of saying sorry. To repent requires a total new way of thinking, a turning away from a sinful life and a commitment to live a life in keeping with kingdom values. Remorse brings about a discernible change in behaviour. As John proclaims people are to produce fruit in keeping with their repentance.


Write a word salad of REPENTANCE.




  • What is your understanding of sin?
  • List where you have marred the image of God within?
  • Have you noticed any difference in your behaviour when you have repented?