Wednesday 12 March
John 1:35-42
John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
Following Jesus
Andrew and his companion were curious to find out more about Jesus after Johns proclamation. They would have understood immediately the implication of this declaration and wanted to see more for themselves. Jesus was aware of them following him and rather than ignoring them he turns to inquire what they wanted. Knowing that someone is following you can be frightening. Who is it? What are their intentions? Is violence on their mind? Do you ignore, take flight or confront? Jesus could have been aggressive “”what do you want?” but from what we know of his character his question would have been one of encouragement. He invited them to come and see, in other words join me and I will show you. Jesus always showed people the way. They spent the day with him. Jesus had time for them. Some people can be fully present with those they spend time with making them feel valued. Others can spend the day with you, and you know that they’re not “there”, their minds are elsewhere, making you feel unimportant and that you have no value. There are no details of what they did but to spend the whole day was life changing for them. The first thing Andrew did was to go and tell his brother that they had found the Messiah.
- What brought you to faith? Was it a person or an event?
- What was your reaction when you came to faith? How did it affect you?
- Have you told others of Jesus?