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Lent Reflection 7

Lent Reflection 7
March 13, 2025 Bronwen

Thursday 13 March

John 3:1-21

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus


 Nicodemus is part of the Sanhedrin. We are told he was a Pharisee and Jesus calls him a teacher of Israel. Clearly a highly intelligent person. He was intrigued by what Jesus was doing and how it challenged his belief system. He wanted to find out more before condemning Jesus’ actions. He realised that Jesus was from God because of the miracles he performed but did not understand his teachings. We do not need to be highly intelligent or highly educated to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. My mother left school at 14 barely able to read or write but she taught me that God loves each one of us equally as we are all made equally. There are no favourites. She also believed that Jesus was her constant companion. I have found it very moving developing services in the past for those who have profound learning difficulties. The look of sheer Joy on John’s face as he sang the first verse of away in a manger and placed a figurine in the manger. John who could only speak two words.

It is good to use our intellect and reasoning to help us in our faith journey but sometimes it gets in the way.

Nicodemus, with his intellect, took what Jesus said about being born again quite literally. Many believe that unless you have been ‘born again’ in a dramatic way then it isn’t valid. However, Jesus was saying that our characters are reborn through the spirit. Our human characteristics which include greed, anger, jealousy, impatience, cruelty and hatred are what we are born with. The characteristics of the Spirit include peace, joy, love, perseverance, kindness, self-control. When we display those characteristics, we can be said to be born again. Born through God’s grace, we are part of the Kingdom.

All it takes is to believe that Jesus is God’s Son and is our Saviour. Acknowledging this brings the Holy Spirit into our lives enabling us to see light in the darkness. We in fact become that light and help shed God’s light and love into situations which are full of darkness.



  • When have you felt the presence and power of the Holy Spirit?
  • Have you had an experience of being born again?
  • Have you done things which you would rather not come to light? How have you delt with them?
  • How truthful are you?
  • Where have you brought the light of God into dark situations?