Friday 14 March
John 4:1-26
Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
The belief that someone is a lesser person because of the colour of their skin, their religion, sexuality, gender, disability should be abhorrent to all. The fact that we have Laws passed to ensure that people are protected against prejudice is an inditement upon society. Prejudice breeds contempt, hatred, and violence and has no place in a civilized society. How can legislation change society? Can we legislate peoples’ beliefs and perceptions? Where does the change in society’s perception come from? It seems such a daunting task that it’s so easy to feel helpless and hopeless.
The steps for change must come from each one of us as individuals coming together as a collective to stand against such actions. Prejudice is taught as we are not born with it. Parents, families, faith communities, national arenas all contribute to teaching hatred, discrimination, bigotry against others. Yet they are the very people who hold the key to change. If we want our world to become a safer place where all may thrive then we need to have the courage to stand together. There are signs of change which is heartening but it requires perseverance as much as courage. It is understandable to want to give up in the face of such vitriolic hatred spewed out across the world but if we do then the powers of darkness win.
If we are to worship in spirit and truth, we have to live by those too. Jesus showed in his life and ministry that prejudice of any kind has no place in the kingdom of heaven.
- Have you experienced prejudice in your life? If so, how has it affected you? How have you dealt with it?
- Have you witnessed prejudice against others? How did you react?
- What are your prejudices?
- Who are the marginalised in your community? What steps do you see that needs to be taken to include them?