In 2016, the Finance Task Group of Methodist Women in Britain will use interest from the Welfare Fund to make grants for local projects around the UK. The aim is to foster active interest and involvement in social and community action and to encourage new projects. The total amount available for all grants will be approximately £6000-£7000.
- MWiB accepts applications, made through the MWiB District Forum Representative, for projects which meet the criteria as set out below.
- Grants are intended to stimulate active interest and involvement in social and community action. Projects should meet a local social or community need particularly that of any group which would consider itself marginalised in society.
- Priority will be given to projects which involve marginalised groups and to applicants seeking funding for imaginative new areas of work.
- Grants are made only to Methodist, ecumenical or charitable projects. No more than one grant per circuit per annum can be supported.
- Applicants must be committed financially or practically to the project.
- Grants will not be given for building projects, staffing costs, ongoing expenses, or for other aspects of projects which generate heavy running costs.
- Applicants must indicate the amount required and the specific purpose to which it will be applied. A budget must be attached.
- The application must have the recommendation of the District Officers for Methodist Women in Britain.
- Please attach a full budget or detailed costs for the project to the application form.
- Our preferred method of communication is by email, so please include a contact email address in the applicant details. All applicants will be notified after the Finance meeting on 17 March 2016
- The funds awarded will be paid directly into the project bank account at the beginning of April. Where no bank account is identified, cheque payment will be made by end of April.
- Where the application is successful, a full report, including confirmation that the grant was spent as described, must be submitted by the end of December 2016 to MWiB Finance. A copy of the report should also be sent to the District MWiB Treasurer.