I like marbles.
They remind me of my childhood,
Of other children
And of the way,
suddenly way back then,
there were toys in the shops!
But really I like marbles because
they are like little worlds within a sea, a bubble, of glass.
I can imagine I am holding a world
In the palm of my hand
I can imagine you, Lord,
Holding me in the palm of your hand
Or even this planet
I can imagine you holding it
And gazing at the intricacy of design
And breathing your own life into it.
As I look at this collection, I think too
Of your disciples gathered together
After Easter
All different
Yet all yours
Ready and waiting to be dispersed.
To find their way into other pockets of the world.
To be treasured
Even smashed,
All for the sake of
The Kingdom.
Loving Lord
Help me to be like the marble
Fragile on the outside in my humanity
But glowing and full of colour
On the inside,
Because you are at work in me.
Amen. Hazel Parsons
Reading: Job 36:22-33
SthF:725: As the glory of creation; 727: God in his love for us