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Caroline Fillery

Caroline Fillery

Resources officer

Caroline is Resources Officer. Her contact email is:

I grew up in a small village called Glazebrook in Cheshire and attended the local Methodist chapel and Sunday school from a very young age. As a teenager I loved being involved in MAYC events including the annual London Weekend and the various regional weekends – being with so many young people, and worshipping God so openly and enthusiastically was wonderful.
I spent 12 years living in Cardiff, South Wales having trained there as an Occupational Therapist and working across South and Mid Glamorgan. Now in my 33rd year as an OT I work for the NHS in Cheshire supporting schools to understand the sensory needs of autistic pupils.
My faith journey has not been without a few dips in the road, but thankfully God’s love for me has never dipped, and remains steadfast. One of my favourite passages of scripture is the prodigal son – I love the image of the father coming to meet the wayward child and welcome them home.
Over the last 20 odd years (since moving back “up north” to Cheshire) I have worshipped at Culcheth Methodist. I have been a church steward, regularly run the AV desk, have been a safeguarding trainer, and currently run a craft group called Hearts and Hands for God. I’ve also dipped my toe into worship leading and will occasionally help out with own arrangements.
Away from church and work as an OT, I’m involved with my local Rock Choir and I have a developed a passion with all things crochet !
I’ve only become involved in MWiB in the last few years, but l’m excited to be involved as resources officer and to help shape it’s future