World Secretary
Louise is Secretary of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women
I have been involved with the WFMUCW since attending my first Area Seminar in Norway in 1998. Since then I have attended three European Seminars, as well as three World Assemblies and served as the Area Vice-President for Europe – Britain & Ireland from 2001 to 2006 and Area President 2011 – 2016. I am a past President of the Methodist Women in Ireland and continue to serve on its General Executive. I work as the Training & Development Officer for the Methodist Church in Ireland. My passions are: enabling others, especially women, to recognise and release their gifts in God’s service; and speaking up for those women whose voices are not being heard at home and around the world. I am married to Tom and together we love spending time with our family, especially our three grandchildren. In my spare time I love to travel and also enjoy baking, cooking, reading, theatre, cinema and dining out.