On Thursday 21st April, the Plymouth and Exeter District held their MWiB Spring District Day in the delightful Methodist Church in Porlock, Somerset.
Reverend Andrew Vidamour, Superintendent of the Circuit, welcomed us at the start of the day. Several Circuits were represented, in spite of the venue being at the ‘Somerset end’ of the very large District, and ladies and gentlemen came from as far afield as Plymouth and Teignbridge to share together.
Rod Sinclair, a representative from ‘Freewheelers’ came to tell us about the range of his work across the counties of Somerset and Devon. Blood, pathology samples, drugs and baby milk are just some of the items which the bikers transport across the counties, sometimes clocking up 450 miles a night. Tyres are changed on an average of 4 weeks, and the bikes themselves, which cost £17500, last about 3 years. All the riders work on a voluntary basis, 365 days a year, completing 12 hour shifts at a time.
‘Freewheelers’ is our current District charity, and various Circuit groups are raising money in imaginative and effective ways, our total being £11004 so far. The picture shows Rod with our District President, Sharon Canning.
After lunch, we heard from Rev Deborah Kirk, District Forum Representative, about the work of the Forum, and just some of the events planned for the next few months. MWiB aims to connect women through creative spirituality, and offer opportunities for engagement with social justice.
The chapel at Porlock is set in its own garden and was a perfect venue for our group. The local people were wonderful hosts, and had made two celebration cakes in recognition of the Queen’s 90th birthday, which we enjoyed before our return journey.
Forthcoming Events:
5th May Coffee morning – fundraiser for ‘Freewheelers’ at Bovey Tracey MC
14th June Cream Tea – fundraiser for ‘Freewheelers’ at Elbrton MC, Plymouth
17th June Pudding Party and Harmony 4 MV Quartet, Sketches, at South Molton MC
30th June Garden Party at Webbery Cross Cottage, EX39 4PU, Torridge Circuit
13th Aug Summer Lunch at 42 Clifford Avenue, Taunton, TA2 6DL