Christmas decorations festoon our streets,
Our houses and our shops.
They sparkle and glitter
Bringing a glow of happiness
Into the dark evenings.
Yet, these small raindrops,
Caught in the filigree of a busy spider’s web,
Sparkle and glitter
In the morning sunshine.
They remind me, Lord,
That despite whatever we may think
Or fear,
Your created world
Is full of marvellous
Celebratory decoration.
Those prophets of old
Caught glimpses of glory
Amidst the warnings of
They dreamed of a time of peace,
Of the transformation of hatred to
So, still we dream.
We watch the films of refugees and migrants,
Of flood and fire,
Of war and earthquake,
And we long with aching hearts for change.
As we hang up our decorations
Sing carols, pray and hope,
The sparkling spider’s web
Is transient,
Has disappeared
Even as I pray.
Yet it tells me that, should I open my eyes,
I should see your hand at work.
Loving God, we look for your coming
And find you already here.
We praise and glorify your Holy Name
Reading: Isaiah 63:7-10
STF 183 Praise to the God who clears the way
Prayers for December by Hazel Parsons