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1st January 2022 – Frozen

1st January 2022 – Frozen
January 4, 2022 Amy Walters

We are standing at the threshold of a new year. The past has gone, but certainly not forgotten. The future yet to come, but what will it bring?

So here we are in the present, and our thoughts are turning to ……what? Hope for………..?

Water comes in many forms, we have seen the devastation of heavy rains, storms and floods, the destruction of blazing forest fires caused by the lack of water, all due to global warning.  Yet we see the beauty too:- streams, lakes, the sea, and children playing in snow. Water is essential to all life on earth, without it there would be nothing.

Jesus said ‘Whoever drinks the water I give him (her) will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him (her) will become in him (her) a spring of water welling up to eternal life.


Bible reading Psalm 22
Hymn S the F 635 My troubled soul



Everlasting and Unfathomable God,
Everything is frozen.
Lost, lonely and afraid.
I’m walking through a frozen landscape
and I don’t feel you beside me,
there’s a barrier.
Have you left me?
And yet,
and yet as I reach out,there’s a glimmer of light on the ice,
there’s a feeling of awe in the frozen stillness.
The fragile beauty of your creation
comforts me.
Hope rises warm inside me.
I stretch out my arms to you
in praise.
You are there. Amen