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President’s Blog: 16th may 2022

President’s Blog: 16th may 2022
May 16, 2022 Ruth Parrott

President’s Blog: 16th May 2022

The God of Small Things

I have been reading a book entitled ‘The God of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy. It is beautifully written and the author paints vivid pictures of Indian life. I could imagine the ‘high stepping hens’, the ‘ grey-green river with fish and the sky and trees in it.’

On our first camping holiday in Brittany, we went for a walk along the coastal path where there had been an incredible invasion of ladybirds. They covered the whole of the path and while we stood there wondering how on earth we were going to avoid treading on them, an old gentleman came along and commented, ‘le petit bete de le grand Dieu’ ( the small creature of the great God), and as we stood there we began to appreciate the beauty of each tiny creature – the delicate wings, the tiny legs, instead of the mass of red and black we had encountered. Very carefully, we scooped the ladybirds out of harm’s way.

In recent days we have had an opportunity to notice the small things in our lives – the routine of every day, the rhythm of the rain on the windows, the minute daily changes in our gardens and hedgerows, the unfurling of the bracken, the birdsong. The world is awakening again!

Yesterday Michael and I returned to Padgate Methodist Church, where we had ministered in the 1980’s, to take their anniversary service. It was a joy to meet old friends, to catch up on family news and to catch their indominatable spirit! It was the church where my commissioning as MWiB President was videoed last year – but this year, there was a congregation and the service was in  hybrid form! Yesterday was the first occasion when they had felt able to have a ‘normal’ communion service and they were thrilled! A small step, but an important one and you could see the joy on the faces of our friends.

After a frugal lunch for Christian Aid, we went for a walk in Moore Nature Reserve. This was a reserve that was new to us as during our time in Warrington it had been an area of sand, gravel and clay quarrying alongside the Manchester Ship Canal. Over the years the land had been reclaimed and slowly developed into an area of beauty with woodland walks and lakes, providing habitats for wildlife and recreation.

Recovery takes time but the signs of new life are everywhere. Yes, things may be different, but the small things can grow and develop and may even change direction. The MWiB Exec team are thinking about how we should change to meet future needs. It needs careful thought as our needs are changing, little by little, as we emerge into a new and exciting future. Please pray for us as we seek the way forward.


