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Prayer for the Week – 4th May 2024

Prayer for the Week – 4th May 2024
May 4, 2024 Bronwen

4th May 2024

John 15:9-17

This Sunday is Vocation Sunday. I looked up the meaning of the word ‘vocation’ and it means:  a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. The word ‘vocation’ was originally used in a religious context, a divine call to the religious life of a nun, a monk or the priesthood, but now it is often used in a non-religious context.

How many of you had a clear view of what you wanted to be when you grew up? I had always wanted to be a Primary School teacher – it was my vocation; and so, I took the educational path to achieve that aim. I felt that it was my calling, my purpose in life and I was convinced that teaching was what God wanted me to do. It was hard at times, but God’s love and guidance saw me through. I loved my job and the children I taught, though I could not have done that job well without that love.

‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved the you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.’ John 15: 9. (RIV)

Personal vocation requires love; love and conviction, that this is the right thing for you and the people you are serving. It gives purpose to your life. We are not all called to be teachers, doctors, nurses etc, our vocation may be to care for those around us, to make people’s lives more comfortable. But what happens when our vocation ends or we retire? We need to use what we have learnt and to carry that love and dedication into our future with God’s guidance, to encourage others, to show them that they are loved. Volunteering is a way of channelling our knowledge, our energy and our love for the benefit of others.

Volunteers at The Haven, an outreach project of Cheshire South Methodist Circuit

John 15: 12,13   My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (RIV)

Jesus, knew his vocation. He followed it to the end and demonstrated his love for God and for the world. Whatever you do, do it with love and God will be with you.

Hymn: StF 659   As dawn awakes another day


Gracious God, I thank you that you love us, that you give purpose to our lives. We thank you too, for Jesus, and his example of unconditional love. Thank you that you have chosen us to spread your love and to bear your fruit. Help us to show your love to others in all that we do, and to encourage those whose future is uncertain.  We ask this prayer in and through the name of Jesus. Amen


Ruth Parrott – CoChair North