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Prayer for the Week – 13th July 2024

Prayer for the Week – 13th July 2024
July 13, 2024 Bronwen

13th July 2024


Read Mark 6: 14 – 29

Reflection from the viewpoint of Deborah, an independent young follower of Jesus.

News of the disciples travels and their success in not only spreading the Good News but miracles of healing too have been reaching those of us who have stayed alongside Jesus. I can see that he is satisfied that the work of God is being done.

Other rumours are circulating too. King Herod seems to think that John the Baptist has come back to life because the healings and the miracles are reminding the people of what John said and did in his ministry.

These rumours have brought some sadness for Jesus as I can see he is remembering what happened to John at the hands of the King. Arrested, imprisoned and then beheaded – for no reason other than to indulge and please Herod’s wife and daughter. Jesus and his cousin had been friends and part of God’s plan since before they were born, so the reminder of all that happened to John is bittersweet.

But Jesus is not one to dwell in melancholy for long. Rather he channels his emotion and becomes even more determined to honour his cousin by bringing about God’s kingdom in the here and now. The disciples will be returning soon and I sense that we will all be on the move again. The Kingdom of God is such an exciting mission to be a part of.

We pray:

Dear Lord, our lives are filled with many emotions, some positive, others less so.

Whether in times of joy and happiness, or in the darker times of sadness and loss, draw close to us.

May we feel your presence alongside us, sitting with us in celebration or in sorrow.

May those who today are feeling trapped in grief and sorrow know your comforting arm around the shoulder.

Give each of us the determination to keep moving forward with you by our side.



Bronwen Braisdell – MWiB Communications Officer


Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash