During a period of enforced rest on the run up to Christmas I have been reflecting on the similarities between the events of the first Christmas and the challenges facing our world today.
A baby boy is born in temporary and insecure accommodation. While still a baby his life is in danger and he becomes a refugee. His parents seek safety in a neighbouring territory but constantly search the shadows for those who would harm their son. We know very little about this period in the life of Jesus but for his parents trying to provide a nurturing and safe childhood could not have been easy.
Sadly today we are seeing children being born in similar dark situations of war and persecution in our world …images on the television, in newspapers and on social media. It is far from the tradition image of the baby in the manger and for many the darkness seems quite overwhelming,
This year I found myself drawn to the carol “Born in the Night” (Singing the Faith 193) .Despite the darkness the author Geoffrey Ainger calls for Christ as Hope of the World to walk in our streets again. That image of Christ as Hope of the World here with us in the fear, the pain and the messiness of the worlds streets I have found both reassuring and challenging. Our challenge as Methodist Women in Britain is exploring the ways in which we will commit to walk with Him.