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Prayer for the Week – January 18th 2025

Prayer for the Week – January 18th 2025
January 18, 2025 Bronwen

Saturday 18th January 2025

Even though when they leave there is a pile of washing, the house takes several hours to return to normal and it takes days to find things that have been put back in the ‘wrong’ place, I still like nothing more than having all the family to stay for a few days – and I recognize how blessed I am that I am able to host them and that they are able to come.

Read Matthew 2: 19 – 23 & Luke 2: 39 – 40

How pleased Mary and Joseph must have been once they could return to Nazareth; back to their quiet life with Joseph in his carpenter’s shop and Mary bringing up the family for we know from later accounts in the Bible that Jesus had younger siblings. Coming home, kinship, family life in whatever shape or form that takes, are all important ideals to be celebrated and offered up to God, who is the cornerstone of the family life of the church universal. In this week of Prayer for Christian Unity, theme ‘Do we believe this?’ we can pray for a closer working together between all Christian denominations, as well as with those of other faiths as we seek to make a positive difference in our world.

We pray:

Light of Christ, Emmanuel, God with Us,

We give thanks for the worldwide family of the Church and for all our siblings in Christ; we pray for a closer working together and cooperation between denominations as we share the Light of Christ in our communities.

We pray too for all those of faith who seek to bring the love and understanding to the communities in which they live and work. May we work together to bring peace.

Finally we thank you for our own families, large or small, near at hand or far away and offer them to you now in prayer.



Bronwen Braisdell      Communications Officer