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Prayer for the Week – 25th January 2025

Prayer for the Week – 25th January 2025
January 25, 2025 Bronwen

Saturday 25th January 2025

For the past two years during Advent the church to which I belong has used the Methodist Church themed material and intentionally worshipped intergenerationally each Sunday morning. This has enabled those who lead our Junior Church to be in worship during the lead up to Christmas and enabled the whole congregation to learn from each other. Our children and young people are not the church of tomorrow, they are most definitely the church of today and those of us who are older need to hear their voice now.

Read Luke 2: 41 – 52

I’ve always loved this story, the only one we have giving us any insight into the life of Jesus as a young person. So many images – the fun and joy of the communal journey to the Temple in Jerusalem; the feelings of panic and worry of his parents; the journey back and the searching; and finally the sight of Jesus conversing with the teachers in the temple, completely at home in the House of his Father, God.

Our churches too must be places of welcome for children and young people, indeed for those of any age who come to talk with God. Do we have somewhere that means families can sit together and feel comfortable during a service? Are there toys, books, drawing paper and materials easily accessible for anyone to use during worship. One church I’ve visited recently has fidget toys available for those who would like to use them during the service. Are toilet facilities clearly signposted from the worship area? It isn’t just about the language we use it’s all about the practical support we offer too so that everyone can feel comfortable when we worship God together.

We pray:

Light of Christ, Emmanuel, God with Us,

We pray for the family of the church, your family in all its different shapes and sizes, ages and stages of life and of faith. We pray that just as you were welcomed as a boy into the Temple at Jerusalem with your questions and wonderings, so we in our churches will be open and welcoming to all who come through our doors with their questions and wonderings. You taught your disciples that the way to the Kingdom of God was to become as a little child, and rebuked them when they tried to turn the children away. May we put aside the cynicism of age and find our inner child again.


Bronwen Braisdell      Communications Officer