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Lent Reflection 4

Lent Reflection 4
March 10, 2025 Bronwen

Monday 10 March

Luke 4:14-30

Jesus Rejected at Nazareth


  • Beginning of Ministry

After his Baptism and Testing Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit empowers us with courage, inspiration, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. We are charged and changed by the infilling of the Spirit. You can see the transforming nature of the Spirit as we notice people normally shy being filled with confidence. There is a visible difference in who they are and how they act. They become more caring, more aware and compassionate. It affects their bearing too. Exuding authenticity and speaking with authority are characteristics of a spirit filled person.

  •  Mission Statement

 Jesus was anointed at his baptism for a purpose. It was not for his own edification but rather the bringing in of God’s kingdom. Our baptism, confirmation and ordination are also for a purpose. They are a public affirmation of our covenant relationship with God which comes with obligations and responsibilities. Our role as a child of God, requires us to actively work to bring in kingdom. These verses which Jesus read and claimed to be about him, and his mission are also our manifesto for mission.

  1. To speak up and out for those oppressed in our own community and the wider world. The Holy Spirit guides our awareness and gives us courage to speak out.
  2. Give hope to those who are weakened and whose self-worth is crushed. Acknowledge their pain and stand with them. Make them believe they are seen and not a forgotten or erased person. To acknowledge someone’s humanity can bring hope.
  3. Point out injustices and challenge those whose practices are unkind, cruel, hateful, and oppressive. It is an imperative if we are to have a safer, kinder, and more accepting society. We need to call out behaviour and ways which promote hatred, exclusion and discrimination. There is so much scope to do so that it may feel overwhelming. What difference can I make? Changing the world around you helps change the world at large. We are called to act. If we don’t then the powers of darkness win. A reminder from John Wesley to the people called Methodists is as apt today as it was in the 18th century

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

  1. Forgiveness is part of the mission of God. In the year of Jubilee all debts were to be cancelled and a fresh start made. Now people are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis with many on low incomes struggling to pay bills. Food or heat. There needs to be a radical and ethical overhaul on how we deal with the situation. How are we to share our resources so that no one starves or goes without their basic needs?
  • Moving On

Jesus returns home and although their initial response was one of welcome and wonder, “Is this not Joseph’s boy?” they turned against him. Why? We like to see a local youngster do well for themselves. We feel a sense of pride that we knew them and were part of their life and upbringing. They are one of us. However, what is not appreciated is when one such person begins to point out our short comings and appear to be above themselves. Jesus knew what they would be saying behind his back. Arrogant and presumptuous are words that come to mind. How dare he, he is no better than us? Quick to take offence the people of Nazareth reject Jesus and attempt to kill him. Full of the Holy Spirit he walks with authority away from them.

It is sad that it seems to be human nature to turn on people and try to bring them down. Yes, if someone is arrogant and presumptuous, we need to challenge them but not if what they say is authentic and said with humility.



  • How do you see yourself fitting into this call to ministry?
  • In what ways have you been active in bringing about God’s kingdom?
  • How has the Holy Spirit manifested itself in your life? How were you affected?