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January 27th – Snowdrops

January 27th – Snowdrops
January 26, 2018 Judith Simms

Any time now the snowdrops will force their way through the wet, cold earth and grace our gardens and woods with the most delicate of plants. How those tender shoots have the energy and strength to push through the cold of winter to bring us the promise of spring is amazing and being a story teller I love the legends that have grown up about our natural world.

The snowdrop’s story is this:

When God created the world, there was such a lot to be done in just six days. So many decisions were made on who would have what and how they would look. By the time Rain, Snow and Wind came to be named all colours had already been given away. Snow in particular felt very upset at this and refused to leave after winter was over, so the fields and woods stayed covered by a deep layer of transparent snow. The animals were upset because they could see the tasty plants under the colourless snow, but they couldn’t reach them and were hungry.

God felt sorry for the animals and plants, and as Snow was upset at not having a colour suggested that perhaps Snow would be able to share a colour from a plant – but the plants refused to cooperate, which made Snow very angry. Wind, who was also colourless, joined Snow and together they lashed the land with heavy snowstorms.

But there was one tiny little flower who felt sorry for Snow, and when Snow was resting from its last snowstorm, the little flower came near and offered her bright white colour to the Snow. Snow was very pleased by the offer of the tiny flower, and thought the white colour was just splendid. And so in return for her generosity the snowdrop was the only flower allowed to blossom in the snow, and from that day on she called herself ‘Snowdrop’.

In the story, Snowdrop gave freely of what she had – she shared her colour, making Snow feel part of creation – and her sharing was offered without expecting any return or favours. She might have been tiny but she showed the greatest heart of all, and in the story her generosity was rewarded. So every year she is the only flower to be admired while snow is still in the air, bringing the promise of spring to the world.

I wonder what you will share with someone today and what difference that will make to their lives?


Generous God, author of creation and of hot and cold, black and white, colours and rainbows, may we be lights for you bringing out your “God Colours” in the world for your glory. Amen.



You can download this Prayer for the Week as a .pdf here

Weekly Prayers for January 2018 © Denise Creed 2017
Photo © Annie Spratt on