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Newcastle District’s Away Day at Houghton-Le-Spring, East Durham

Newcastle District’s Away Day at Houghton-Le-Spring, East Durham
September 15, 2024 Bronwen

‘A Taste of Porto’

We were promised ‘A Taste of Porto’ and what a delicious flavour was brought to us. Methodist women from across the district gathered for coffee, eager to hear all that our friends had promised to share. Our Area Trustee, Debs Coggrave, had travelled with our Ambassador, Rev Judith Oldroyd along with Jane Dixon and Alison McLeod. In a couple of hours they sensitively shared poignant stories of their meetings with women from across Europe. (There was no Brexit there!) With PowerPoint we were taken to Porto and were able to experience something of their time at the World Federation European Area Conference, entitled ‘Grounded in Love’.

Through the thought-provoking Bible study (Luke 8) we were led to see how easily we give one another labels; how hurtful it is to be judgemental. But when we experience the greatness of God’s love, through our Lord Jesus Christ, we can discover how special we are.

It was very clear that our friends had all experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as they met together with women from all over Europe, despite different languages, yet still worshipping our mighty God. The testimonies of our delegates were very powerful.

They spoke movingly of encounters with women who, because of their faith in our Lord Jesus, had worked in challenging situations, but were able to use the gifts given to them to share the love of God, in their part of the world.

After conversations together at lunchtime, some had fun as they learned to worship God through liturgical dance while others enjoyed a variety of crafts. While the weather did not permit the planned prayer walk outside, provision had been made for a prayer walk, moving to six stations, indoors.

The culmination of the day together was a moving service of Holy Communion. We were led in gentle reflection of all that we had heard and experienced.

Before leaving for home we were treated to tea and delicious cakes, and, of course, more conversation, when some were heard to express the wish that they had been to Porto!

 Report written by Judy Tasker

President of  Newcastle District, Lynne Graham (Opening Devotions)

Debs Coggrave (PowerPoint Presentation)

Alison McLeod (Bible Study)

Jane Dixon (Liturgical Dancing)

Rev Dawn Brown (Service of Holy Communion)