Our mischievous reference to Methodist Women in Haulage – the way in which the exec officers and Margaret have needed to transport goods up and down the country – used to be confined to the resources we produce and sell at various events, and a small “toolbox” enabling us to put on the events we do. This week it has stretched to include the moving of the office. A big part of Margaret’s work has been the administration of our finance systems, which this week were transferred to Gillian’s home near Preston. On a rather wild and wet day, I drove over there, and only took one box which should have stayed here in Brighouse!
I don’t have a photo of Gillian by herself, so here are the 4 exec officers in London last November, with Gillian second from the right. She and I spent a useful day, moving boxes and records, but also discussing the continuity of the finance work – and associated matters, of which there are many! I was glad to reach home safely and to know that another significant stage in our journey has been accomplished. Linda