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Wednesday 23 March 2016 – treasures from our journey

Wednesday 23 March 2016 – treasures from our journey
March 23, 2016 Anne Browse

Forgive me for using today’s blog to send a message to those who will be at the Swanwick weekend in April.  An email has been sent out, and a hard copy is being posted to those not on email.

Jill Barber has sent the following message as she prepares to lead us over the Swanwick weekend.  She writes: “Would it be too late to ask everyone to bring something that has really inspired them on their faith journey?  It could be a bible verse, a hymn, a picture, an object or a poem – anything that they might like to share with a small group during the Love Feast.”

Jill and I were together at Cliff College in February, where we were also invited to bring something which was inspirational in our faith journey.  I actually took three different things, so that I could decide what I wanted to share when the moment came!  In the end I shared a little card which appeared on my breakfast plate one morning in Germany.   It has on it some of the words of that old, old blessing in Numbers chapter 6 – ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.’  For me there is a whole story around the significance of this verse, a story of God- given friendship, of hearing God’s voice, of ongoing reassurance of God’s presence with me.

I wonder what your precious treasures are, the things which remind you of God’s presence with you on your journey?

Blessings as you journey through Holy Week and towards the celebration of Easter.