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Tuesday 25 October 2016 – season of mists

Tuesday 25 October 2016 – season of mists
October 25, 2016 Anne Browse
Devon lane in autumn

In the midst of a busy MWiB travel schedule I have just enjoyed a few days of family time, making wedding plans with Katie, who gets married to George just before Christmas. Today I will set off to Cliff College for a consultation on Spirituality in the Methodist Church, returning just in time for the World Federation Day in Taunton on Saturday.

For once I am very glad that the event will be local. I know that it is not easy for everyone to travel to Connexional day events, but as we try to move them around the country it allows some of the local people to come who would not normally find that possible. I am looking forward to seeing several friends from the Plymouth and Exeter and Cornwall Districts at Rowbarton at the weekend.

The photo today is one I took last week, in the lane outside the house. Yesterday the mist hardly lifted here all day! We continue to marvel at the beautiful weather we have enjoyed over recent days, but now it really does feel as if autumn has arrived. These trees appear to be on fire in the evening sun.

I recently came across some words penned by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, which I share with you this morning. She wrote:

Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.

To know Christ and to make him known; to share and to live out our faith in such a way that others might ‘see’ God and take off their shoes…and of course also to pick blackberries!