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Thursday 8 October 2015 – 22 attachments…

Thursday 8 October 2015 – 22 attachments…
October 8, 2015 Anne Browse

Today MWiB has occupied most of my waking hours, as this was the day I had set aside to collate papers and email them out to 39 women across the country in preparation for the MWiB Connexional Forum next weekend at The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire.  Thirty-one district representatives, five executive officers, the Women’s World Day of Prayer rep and the Helen Kim Memorial Scholar, our chaplain and our note taker will all come together to address the business of our movement and then return to share news and information with women in local meetings.

Please spare a thought, and offer up a prayer, for all these women as they download and read through the twenty-two attachments which have passed through cyberspace from Devon to all points north, south, east and west this evening.  Please pray that we will use our time together wisely and that we will come away inspired to work where we are, to know Christ and to make him known through whatever opportunities present themselves to us.

I toyed with the idea of posting a photo of the twenty-two attachments, but have opted instead for one of the beautiful conference centre where we shall be meeting!