The Methodists for World Mission Conference is being held at Swanwick this weekend. Our guests from the Church of North India will be there as they come towards the end of their visit to Britain. We remember them as they share in the fellowship of the weekend and prepare to return to India and reflect on their experiences here.
Over the next few days I shall post reflections on my visit last week to refugees in Greece. I am very aware that what we saw were snapshots, what we heard were soundbites. Now back in England I find myself constantly comparing my life here to the lives of some of the refugees I met, and reflecting on the inequality of our situations.
A good drying day…
How many times have I grumbled about getting the washing dry? Moaned that the tumble drier was not working? How would I manage if I had to wash everything by hand and put things to dry on bushes or on a makeshift washing line? It’s all part of the ‘fun’ when you’re on a camping holiday, when you choose to do it that way, for a week or two. But every day, because that is your only option…