In 2013, MWiB entered into a three year partnership with the Church of North India (CNI) to learn and raise awareness about the issues facing Dalits after MWiB President Linda Crossley visited the CNI in February 2013 and saw first hand how the church is working with Dalit communities, and especially with Dalit women and girls. As we launched the partnership, MWiB pledged to commit funds from the MWiB membershp of £50,000 to support the new PDS (Parent/Diocese/Synod) hostels that give Dalit, tribal and extremely poor children access to education*.
“Untouchability is far worse than slavery, for the latter may be abolished by statute. It will take more than a law to remove this stigma from the people of India. Nothing less than the aroused opinion of the world can do it.”
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 1930
One result of that partnership is The Dalit Solidarity Resource Pack, available to download below, which encourages you to study, reflect, worship, pray, and take action on issues faced by the Dalit people. (Please note that these resources were collated in 2013, and updated in 2014, and it is therefore possible that some of the information will have changed – e.g. contact details for individuals and organisations, etc.)
* Please note that while MWiB is still in contact with CNI and encourages regular updates on Dalit projects,
we are no longer working directly with them, and we are no longer raising funds for these projects.
4a Recipes