After taking the bread, lifting it to heaven to bless it, and breaking it, Jesus then shares the bread with those eating with him. It is given out, freely, to all who wish to receive it. This is also what Jesus does with his own life – he takes human form, is blessed at his baptism, is broken on the cross, then his life is given for all people.
Are we willing to be given in life and in death? Are we willing to share our lives with others, to give of ourselves – to love those who hate us, to serve those who cannot give back, to share what we have with those who have nothing? This is what, as beloved children of God, we are called to do. This is why we were taken, blessed, why we face our brokenness – to be given to others.
As blessings we are to be given to the world, just as we are, to share our blessings with others. Jesus spoke often of this type of giving – the giving of our very selves. Many hymns speak of this giving way of life. One of my favourites is ‘Have you heard God’s voice?’ by Jacqueline Jones (Singing the Faith 662), encouraging us to go into the brokenness of the world, trusting in God. Another one that is often well loved is ‘I the Lord of sea and sky’ by Daniel Schutte (Singing the Faith 663), which speaks of taking light to the darkness, food to the hungry, and words of hope to those in despair.
Loving and giving God,
who gave all you had for us,
help us to give of ourselves, fully as you did.
Show us how to give ourselves by
feeding the hungry,
caring for the sick,
seeking the lost.
Help us to give joyfully of ourselves,
sharing the blessings we have with those around us.
Loving and giving God,
be with us always.
Amen .
You can download this Prayer for the Week at here
Prayers for March 2019 by Revd Claire Rawlinson
Image: photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash