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From the World President

From the World President
June 4, 2020 Judith Simms

A letter from World Federation President Alison Judd: July 2020

Dear Sisters,

As the world moves into the 26th of July*, I am thinking of you all and hoping you are going to be praying for one another and using the World Federation prayer around noon.

I have just heard from our World Treasurer Leu, that her son Uaina has had lengthy but successful surgery on his spine. He is recovering well but under close watch to make sure his legs and toes can move. Leu is thankful to God and to all those WF sisters, friends and family for their prayers. This has been a worrying time for Leu but she has remained fully committed to her Federation responsibilities.  For that, and for the good news about Uaina, we are all truly thankful.

Yesterday and today I have been attending via Zoom an online two-day event organised by the MCCA. There have been some excellent sessions around the theme of ‘CARE: Christ for All Reach Everyone’. It was great to see Dr Lois Grant-Hector leading the proceedings in her role of MCCA President (and Area V-P) and Dr Sandra Gadson and I were pleased to be able to bring greetings on behalf of the World Federation.

We are all aware that the coronavirus pandemic is still spreading around the world and in some places, returning.  This means that concerns about physical and mental health is still a reality for many of us. In addition, some of our executive members are experiencing other health issues. We pray that Louise’s eyesight is improving. If there are others who would appreciate our prayers, please reply to all with your news.

On a happy note, Luiza Pereira, HKMS from Brazil, was married to Luiz Alberto last week. The wedding had been delayed due to the coronavirus but they decided to go ahead on 22nd July with a  small number present. I sent a message of congratulations on your behalf and Luiza replied with her thanks and love.

I am happy to tell you that I am well and so is my dear husband Les. We are ‘attending’ online worship each Sunday, Bible Study each Monday and keeping in touch with friends and family via telephone and Whatsapp and Zoom. Recently, we have also been able to see friends in person and visit while keeping a distance between us. There is much concern about loss of jobs and what the future will hold. Pastoral and practical care is being provided by the church. The church buildings are mostly still closed, but the church is still very much alive. Praise God!

Do please let me know your news. I would love to hear from you.

Every blessing,

Alison Judd
World President, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

* This letter arrived with me in August, but nevertheless, do consider praying, as Alison suggests, at noon on 26th of each month. You can find the World Federation prayer on the World Federation website.

Download A Letter from the President – July 2020

Download A Tale of Two Women – June 2020

Download Greeting for Pentecost Sunday 2020

Download Living in Strange Times – Lent 2020