We arrived home one day to find a large parcel on the doorstep. We weren’t expecting anything so were curious what might be inside. As we opened it a note was the first thing we saw. It was from an elderly aunt of my husband. He had sent her a few photos of the grandchildren. In return she had sent us a large box of biscuits for the grandchildren plus a hand crocheted blanket that could be used by or for the children. We were due to see the family about a week later, so we duly took the biscuit box with us, with its note to them all. After our first meal we told the story of the parcels arrival and how it was to share. Then we opened the biscuit box, and surprise! Inside were not biscuits, but a selection of sweet treats, carefully counted with one of everything for each child. It had not occurred to us to open the box previously and check the contents. The aunt who sent the parcel is now in her nineties. She has always been kind and caring; never wealthy, but willing to share what she had to help others. We all commented on her kindness, and will let her know how much it has been appreciated. The children all complied to have an up to date photo to send her. One or two of them usually deliberately turn away or make silly faces when they see a camera, so a photo with everyone looking the same way is a great achievement.
This example of kindness came from a natural disposition. Whether something innate, or learnt it is difficult to know, but it does appear that some people are born to be kind. It is a trait that shows a care and concern for others; that can bring a smile to their faces, and maybe a prompt to reflect if there has been some unkindness shown. The quality of kindness seems to be one to foster. It is something that could help to make the world a better place.
The pandemic has revealed many individual acts of kindness with practical support for neighbours, phone support for family and friends, an increase in volunteers to carry out necessary tasks. In a world where there seem to be many acts of unkindness, let us seek to foster those acts which show a better way.