Darlington District ladies hope that you will enjoy reading our District newsletter.
We invite you to join us at our first event of the year on 20th October. This is at Elm Ridge Methodist Church Carmel Road South Darlington DL3 8DJ
Our first event starts with refreshments at 10.15am and then at 11am we have a service with Holy Communion . The minister leading our service is the Reverend Julia Reid from the North Yorkshire Dales Circuit . At the end of the service we will present a cheque to DKMS our charity for the last year .
We then break for lunch , ( please bring your own ) After lunch we will launch our charity for 2023/24 , Mrs Pamela Stenson will tell us about the work “ Bake for Ukraine “ and how our fund raising will support them .
We then have a session led by Mrs Lyn Cookson on Godly Play .
A warm welcome awaits you . Please email Pamela Stenson Pamelamwib.guis@btinternet.com our President , Mrs Debs Coggrave our Area Trustee; debscoggrave@gmail.com or Hazel Neasham ; haze56@outlook.com
Take a look at the rest of our programme for the year and join us if you can.