Loving and Gracious God,
Sometimes you offer us space,
Space to be quiet,
To stop and reflect,
Or even simply to stop.
And, in that stopping, we are able,
To see beyond the visible and grasp something of You.
Here, in this tranquil place,
This space between the turning of the tide,
There is that opportunity
To look and notice.
The movement is barely visible or audible.
Then a hesitant sun breaks through,
Bringing the return of colours
Previously unseen,
And I know that when I see you least
You are most certainly present.
The tranquility of quiet times:
A blessing sometimes
Which goes unrecognised.
But we cannot live in tranquility,
For there are things which
Must be addressed,
And the return from serenity to busyness
Can be a hard one.
Although I know,
Yes, I know,
That having experienced the tranquil times
There is
Within them
And preparation for return.
Quiet beckons us,
‘Be still’ you say,
‘And know,
Know that I am God.
And then, in that knowing
You will receive
The strength you need
To walk with confidence
Into the busy streets’.
We thank you
Loving God for space to meet with you
In the quiet
Knowing that you are with us
Reading: Psalm 63
StF 45 Earth’s creator everyday God
Prayers for May by Hazel Parsons