On Sunday morning we were led into worship by our brothers and sisters of the Fijian choir, pictured above. Scattered around Britain and Ireland, these wonderful singers gather together as a choir, sharing their colourful traditional music, rhythm and worship.
‘Day by Day – exploring the rhythm of mission and discipleship’ is this year’s theme chosen by Loraine Mellor and Jill Baker, our new President and Vice- President of Conference. As we gathered together we were each given a red, soft rubber Rubik-sized cube. On the whole the congregation were well behaved, resisting the temptation to bounce them off the person in front of them! The purpose of the cube was to be revealed a little later by Jill as she pointed out the words written on 5 of its 6 sides ‘give thanks’; ‘read and reflect’; ‘keep silence’; ‘pray’; ‘act’; words which describe the daily rhythm which leads into a deeper spiritual relationship with God and fellow pilgrims on our Christian journey. The little red cube will be a daily reminder of our need to embrace this rhythm. We look forward to exploring the theme with Loraine and Jill as they travel around the connexion.