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Guest Blog: 12th January 2023

Guest Blog: 12th January 2023
January 12, 2023 Bronwen

Growing up in Suffolk I have always looked forward to the first signs of spring. Snowdrops, aconites, violets and catkins always offered hope of warmer weather to come even as snow was on the ground. I admit I am no great shakes as a gardener despite many of my family having green fingers. In fact many of my spring bulbs were dug up almost straight away last year by a rather cheeky squirrel that lives close ….including my favourite snowdrops.

I was amazed to find that there are over two thousand different species of snowdrops world wide. The snowdrops in the photograph are not from my garden but courtesy of a friend whose garden is always a joy to visit.

Snowdrops are amazing little flowers. They have their own built in anti- freeze that allows them to close down when it is really cold to the point that it looks like they are dead yet once the ground warms they spring back to life, They also have hardened leaf tips to enable them to push through frozen earth. They are related to the much more exuberant amaryllis family.

In our Christian journey the Holy Spirit can sometimes act like anti- freeze when we feel spiritually cold and life seems bleak. It is there with us throughout waiting patiently for warmth and space for us to grow. It can also act like the hardened leaf tips of the snowdrop to give us strength and tenacity to find a way through the hard times we inevitably meet on the way. In his letter to the church in Rome St Paul writes  “May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him ,so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15v13)

Snowdrops have long been seen as symbolic for new beginnings, hope, rebirth and the ability to overcome challenges in life. The late Kate McIlhagga, a member of the Iona community, wrote this poem about snow drops called;

 A green Heart

In a dark world

A snowdrop comes

A benison

Of hope and peace

Carrying within it

A green heart

Symbol of Gods renewing love.


Come to inhabit our darkness

Lord Christ

For dark and light

Are alike to you

May natures white candles of hope

Remind us of your birth

And light our journey

Through Lent and beyond

(From The Green Heart of the Snowdrop 2004 Wild Goose Publications)


As we look for those signs of new life in our gardens and our countryside may we be aware that these signs are a gift of new beginnings to be appreciated prayerfully and with thanks.

Maggie Woods (Vice President elect)