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Monday 20 July – New life

Monday 20 July – New life
July 20, 2015 Anne Browse

It’s a girl! At 9.02 am on Monday 20 July, weighing somewhere around 85 kilograms, this heifer calf was born just outside our kitchen window.

Alison and Les Judd have come to stay overnight and have been very excited to see the newest addition to our herd. It has made me realise how easy it is to become blazé about the miracle of new life. Tonight we have visited the Grand Western Canal and seen ducks and bulrushes and water lilies. This afternoon a buzzard circled over the fields as we surveyed the view from our farm here across to Sidmouth Gap.

Having visitors to stay always makes me appreciate the beauty of the place in which I am privileged to live and reminds me not to take that beauty for granted.

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.