When I finished full-time teaching, my daughters challenged me to be ready for Christmas in plenty of time each year. Cards to be written and posted early, everything to be homemade in order to save money and even to consider raising my own turkey for the Christmas table!
Well, yesterday I finally wrote and posted the cards, I am relying on a few more shopping trips before Friday and the turkey crown is in the freezer (not home-reared, I hasten to add).
Tomorrow I shall lead our ecumenical all-age scratch nativity, as we meet in our village hall for breakfast followed by café-style worship. An invitation has been sent out for people to come, if they wish, dressed as a character from the nativity story. I look forward to seeing who will be in the cast this year! How many will come dressed as Mary? Any Herods this year? And will there be a zebra?
More tomorrow. I leave you tonight with a face-painted angel…