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Sunday 16 August 2015 – still waters

Sunday 16 August 2015 – still waters
August 16, 2015 Anne Browse

He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…

Today I was able to go to our breakfast family worship, not leading as planned, but simply being there. Sarah, who led, managed to bring alive our passage for today, the transfiguration, making it relevant for all ages, from toddlers, through teenagers, to the more mature.

After lunch I slept for a while and then Ken and I came out to the Grand Western Canal, just minutes from home. We have met and chatted with friends also out for the afternoon and now I am writing the blog and taking photos. Since I took this one the waters have become anything but still, populated by numerous ducks and a large family of swans. Even this picture is not exactly idyllic. The yellow flower in the foreground is the dreaded ragwort and if you zoom in on the far side of the image you will see a discarded drinks bottle at the water’s edge.

Life, like my photo, is seldom perfect. I am enjoying time to relax and to be, but healing wounds and tiredness would not be my ideal choice, especially as I see others enjoying the summer more energetically. But the Lord is my shepherd, your shepherd, our shepherd, and therefore I have everything I need..