It was agreed at MWiB Forum in October 2015 that a total of £10,000 should be donated to four initiatives that empower women. (£2,500 to each one)
- To Ayra Indryas at the women’s desk in Lahore diocese Pakistan who has set up sewing skills classes and literacy classes for women, as well as addressing domestic violence. She now plans to run a course in Women Studies, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in the Women’s College in Lahore. For more information about Lahore diocese go to: http://methodist.org.uk/mission/world-church/asia-pacific/pakistan
- CRMI – Children of Hope, which is part of Christian Restoration Ministries International in Uganda, to help them fund a Full –time rural health worker for young children through this UK registered charity. Delphine Gratrix, Forum rep for the Cumbria District which proposed this gift, has stated ‘This is a new initiative and would ensure that the health needs of 250 sponsored children attending school in Bombo, Central Uganda, were met. Also, those of non-sponsored children identified at medical screening, by a Medical Mission Team, on their annual visit. The rural health worker would check on these children, some of whom are very vulnerable eg epileptic, disabled, with hearing or sight problems etc. There is a huge potential for health education within the community of Bombo, (also at Sanga and Nakaseke) as well as identifying and treating medical conditions. This Specialist Community Nurse would receive training from the Medical Mission Team, who among others, would monitor the work. For more information go to: www.childrenofhope.org.uk
- Bolton and Rochdale district (Forum rep Anne Cash and District president Maureen Hawksworth) have suggested supporting an Internship programme provided by the United Mission to Nepal (a partner organisation of the Methodist Church GB). The brochure states: ‘UMN’s internship programme offers young Nepali Christians an opportunity to engage with transformational development. An internship lasts 12 months and is designed to develop their professional skills in specific technical areas, and equip them with leadership skills and an understanding of integral mission. This prepares them for effective roles as Christians in whatever professions they feel called to.’ For more information go to: http://methodist.org.uk/mission/world-church/asia-pacific/nepal or http://www.umn.org.np/
- Stephen and Jane Day are Methodist Mission Partners serving in the church of South Africa. Their newsletters report on ‘Magnify’, a ‘Women in Leadership project’ and MWiB hope this gift will encourage and support this initiative. ‘The opportunities to equip, encourage and empower a generation of women continues to be at the heart of Jane’s ministry and the journey ahead looks very creative and exciting.’ For more information go to http://methodist.org.uk/mission/world-church/africa/southern-africa