Having returned from Conference yesterday I’ve been reflecting upon the last few days, particularly in terms of the organisation which goes on behind the scenes of such huge events. There was certainly the potential for much to go wrong, yet everything seemed to run like clockwork. There may have been the occasional panic behind the scenes of course but, if this were the case, the majority of us were blissfully unaware!
Pictured above, standing behind our Conference resources and information stand, are Gillian Womersley and Liz Marriot, MWiB finance officer and resources officer respectively. They both worked tirelessly throughout the weekend, chatting cheerfully and warmly to those around. We’re very grateful for their commitment.
Relating this back to our own church situations, I’m sure we can all think of those who work quietly and tirelessly behind the scenes, enabling our worship and fellowship to happen in a warm and welcoming environment. God has blessed each of us with many different skills, let us use them cheerfully to serve one another in his name.
Love and blessings, Sandra