David and I were driving along a quiet lane in Anglesey when suddenly a young squirrel darted across in front of the car. Well, you may be thinking there’s nothing unusual in that, especially at this time of the year when young squirrels and rabbits have a habit of dashing all over the place.
On this occasion however it was unusual, and I was delighted, because it was a red squirrel. I have seen red squirrels before, but never running freely, in the wild. Previous encounters with this small endangered rodent have been seen by peering through the wire of protective enclosures, hoping to spot one running along the ground or up a tree.
Today’s sighting of the red squirrel was totally unexpected, and lasted for a few fleeting moments before it disappeared into the safety of the hedge.
There are times in our spirituality too, when we have unexpected encounters. unexpected moments of joy, peace or revelation. Encounters that help to confirm our faith along the way.
‘Lord thank you for the joy of unexpected encounters that we experience as we travel through life. Amen’
Love and blessings Sandra