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4th April 2018 – ‘Peace and Hope’

4th April 2018 – ‘Peace and Hope’
April 4, 2018 Sandra Goodwin

Easter morning dawned with mild weather and a sunny start in Nantwich. After persuading our four-legged friend Toby that he really did need to go for a walk at 6.15am and leaving the rest of our visitors in bed, David and I set off for an early morning communion service at Poole Methodist Church. Poole is a small rural church that has a quiet garden with a labyrinth to the rear of the property. Open to the community and passers-by, anyone who feels the need to sit quietly and enjoy the peace and quiet are welcome.

Although we were small in number, pictured above, we enjoyed the opportunity to pray and praise God together in this tranquil garden, accompanied by music played on a guitar and joined by the local blackbirds.

We shared communion and recalled events that had occurred in another garden many years ago as recorded in John’s gospel. We imagined what it must have been like for the disciples and Mary as they discovered the empty tomb and folded grave clothes. Feelings of anger, frustration, mourning and fear followed by amazement, the dawning realisation and gradual understanding of all that Jesus had been trying to tell them, that Love will never be defeated, that death is not the end.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed – Alleluia!

Easter blessings to you all. Sandra