Greetings from a very wet and windy Fiji – but at least the rain is warm!
This has been an amazing few days. As you can see from the photo above taken at our final worship together Alison Judd and I have shared fellowship with over 400 women from the South Pacific area.
There has been much laughter and a few tears, rich cultural experience and learning, dancing and wonderful singing.
Each evening we have all travelled by bus to a local village for our evening meal and cultural entertainment. Returning from the village last night reminded me of church coach trips to Cliff College when I was a teenager – accompanied by joyous singing and celebration!
Today I travel north with some of my new friends to Suva where I’ll be staying for a few nights with Mission Partner Revd Dr Val Ogden. Val will be returning to the UK in August and will be the keynote speaker at next year’s Swanwick weekend.
Bus has arrived. Must go!
Blessings, Sandra