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Birmingham’s Got Talent!

Birmingham’s Got Talent!
September 4, 2020 Judith Simms

The Birmingham District MWiB Summer Meeting 2020 was to have been a Talent Day at Droitwich Methodist Church, but unfortunately this was not able to take place due to the Covid 19 lockdown.

Instead, District President Jackie Hartrey asked the women to send photographs of the items they might have brought to put on display, and compiled these into a ‘Book of Talents’. She subsequently received more than 70 photographs depicting ‘talents’ including knitting, crochet, embroidery, gardening, banner-making, cake decorating, sculpture, painting, and more, as well as several pieces of poetry and other creative writing.

Jackie says:

“I have been overwhelmed by the talent that has been shared, and I hope that you will also be astounded as you look through this booklet. We are amazing!”

You can see the booklet here * – and I hope all who view this item will enjoy and share in our celebration of talent.

Josie Boughton,
Secretary, Birmingham District MWiB

* You can order a hard copy of the booklet (cost £1, + £1 p&p) by email: