Here you will find information and application forms for Social and Community Action Grants, Enabling Grants, Discretionary Grants, and our Pastoral Care Fund.
Social and Community Action Grants
MWiB uses the interest from its Welfare Fund to make grants for local projects around the UK. The aim is to foster active interest and involvement in social and community action, and to encourage new projects that fulfil a local community need.
Further information and specific criteria can be found on the application form found here: Social-Community-Action-Grant-updated
Please note you will need to contact your Area Trustee as part of the application process.
Please note that applications where all the sections have been completed are more likely to be successful.
Enabling Grants
Enabling Grants are available to open opportunities which will empower women and girls to develop their Christian ministry in a practical way at home or abroad. The grant is a one-off contribution in part funding towards the cost. It is assumed that there will be either some self-funding from the applicant, or other contributions from elsewhere to fund the full cost.
Further information and specific criteria can be found on the application form found here: Enabling-Grant-Form-updated
Discretionary Grants
Discretionary Grants can offer funding (up to £1,000 on a matched funding basis) to women involved in the Methodist Church, to help cover the costs of training, to fund a new project, or to purchase resources for ongoing work.
Further information and specific criteria can be found on the application form found here: Small-Discretionary-Grant-updated
Pastoral Care Fund
Methodist Women in Britain is pleased to announce a Pastoral Care Fund available to churches throughout the Connexion. This fund has been set up to assist churches who wish to develop their pastoral care work in line with MWiB’s mission statement – for women, for justice, for Christ – and, in particular, to fulfil parts of its aims of bringing women together, encouraging one another to know Christ and to make him known, as Methodist women and as part of the wider Church in the world, to encourage, resource and train women members of the Methodist church by equipping them to participate more fully in the wider church and in society.
Single discretionary grants of up to £200 may be awarded to churches that are working hard post-Covid to further general pastoral care in their areas: this can either be towards new initiatives or to extend existing ones. Some examples could be for cards and stamps to keep in touch, or towards a tea party, or to make distinct efforts to reach out and increase pastoral care towards older folk. However, grants will not be awarded towards employment or fixtures/fittings.
If you would like to apply, please write to MWiB giving full details of how this grant would be used. Letters can be sent to MWiB, c/o Stamford Methodist Church, 11 Barn Hill, Stamford PE9 2AE or preferably, by email to finance.mwib@gmail.com
Please ensure that full bank details are included in your application.
Applications for all gifts & grants will be considered by the Finance Task Group at regular meetings throughout the year.
If you have any queries about gifts or grants, please contact our Finance Officer by email: finance.mwib@gmail.com
or by post c/o Stamford Methodist Church, 11 Barn Hill, Stamford PE9 2AE