Why does it always seem to happen that however carefully one tries to balance time commitments there are always spells when everything seems to crowd in at once? It’s been like that a lot lately, and therefore brought a few challenges to ‘keep all the balls in the air’. Having said that though, I’d rather be busy than be wondering what to do with myself.
I was pleased to be able to join Methodist women in Lincolnshire this week and share some thoughts. It was good to see some familiar faces and to put faces to names that I’ve come across in my role.
As we had a break in the morning Rev. Micky Youngson arrived at my house to deliver some glassware for MWiB which we commissioned as part of our tenth anniversary. She has made four pieces for us, all inspired by aspects of what we, Methodist Women, try to do. I’m sure you will hear more about this in due course, so do lookout for it, but in the meantime enjoy the picture above. The pieces are lovely, and I shall enjoy being custodian for a little while.
This week is designated as Refugee week, something which I have significant concerns about as it links so closely with migrancy and trafficking, all of which are huge and growing concerns globally. The pandemic and the changing climate are increasing the problems. I was asked by the Southampton MWiB to suggest a theme for their second online service, so chose to consider how local churches support needs. I thought about the people I met in Mexico who do so much to support migrants there, but also a project in Southampton which supports women and children rescued from trafficking or who have escaped abusive situations, and are in safe houses or refuges. The video of that service is now on YouTube. You may like to ‘take a peek’. (211) MWIB Service 2021 – YouTube. You should be able to access it by clicking the link.
My youngest grandchild turns 4 this week, so a quick dash to Oxfordshire had to be fitted in to deliver her present. It gave the opportunity to play with her in the garden, see how the guinea pigs, which were part of her present’s are getting on, as well as spend a little time with her brother and sister after school. That’s the fun of being a granny! I love it! Building relationships is so important, and after the restrictions of recent months, it feels so good to be able to see them all more.