It is amazing how much response I have had on Facebook to yesterday’s blog about eggy bread! These recent blogs have brought messages from all sorts of people in all sorts of places and have resurrected old friendships and contacts, as well as linking us with new people with an interest in GB and MWiB.
Yesterday Hannah came to visit the camp. She first came on camp as a child and now works for Girls’ Brigade Ministries. She is pictured here with Mum, Janice, and Fudge the GB dog! We were able to show Hannah something we had found in the ‘archives’ – the accident report from the year when she trapped her finger in the lid of a toilet! We also tease Janice frequently about her first time on camp, when she filled in the registration form very literally. We used to ask whether adults intended to bring their own tent to camp, rather than using one which we could supply from our equipment stock. The question ‘Will you be bringing your own tent?’ was followed by the question ‘Size?’. Janice filled in her answer – 5 feet 7 inches!
Today the girls have been shopping and swimming and of course used the showers at the swimming pool! Tonight they will be back on the field, for supper and worship. This morning they considered the story of Abraham and how he trusted God. They read about God’s promise to give him more descendants than the stars in the sky. This week some of them will no doubt look out for shooting stars, having already been spoiled by the amazing sight of the Blue Moon last Friday night. Psalm 8 often comes to mind as I stand in the camp field late at night, which the NIV renders like this:
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?